Land Management  Advice

Land Management Advice

At ‘RBB Environmental’ we offer a full wildlife advice and habitat management plan. Our aim is to take all the relevant up to date information of your land and any historical records and make a full report. As well as carrying out species surveys and counts we will make our recommendations for the future management of your ground. We will provide an in-depth report on any rare species or species of interest that may be found on your land and once the management plan has been completed we will encourage the relevant actions for long term land management. If further help is required after the report has been submitted we can help you to physically manage your land or help with future staff employment and training. If you would like to get the best out of your habitat or even wish to turn your special little spot into your own wildlife site we are here to help! If you are after a habitat design plan with wildlife in mind or have a special interest in reptiles or amphibians, birds, mammals or insects we can offer you a bespoke action plan, with all your fauna and flora requirements answered. Habitat restoration and creation of woodland, grassland, heathland management, rivers and ponds we are here to solve your habitat issues. Wildlife translocation can offer a plan and the solution. Wildlife fencing and stock proof fencing, tree and vegetation management as well as the control of invasive species, we are here for you!


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